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Data Grid - Performance

Follow these recommendations to improve your Data Grid's performance.

The Data Grid is a complex component that renders many elements, and you can inadvertantly introduce performance issues by triggering unnecessary re-renders. This guide describes best practices for implementing your Data Grid to avoid common problems.

Maintain a stable reference when passing props

As a general rule, all non-primitive props should maintain a stable reference between renders to avoid unnecessary re-renders. This is especially important for the columns prop. Columns are designed to be definitions that never change once the component is mounted; otherwise, you risk losing elements like column width or order.

There are two ways to maintain a stable reference:

  1. If the columns don't depend on anything within the component scope, you can define them outside of the component and pass them as a prop:

    const columns = [
      { field: 'id' },
      { field: 'firstName' },
      { field: 'lastName' },
      { field: 'age' },
      { field: 'fullName' },
    function App() {
      return <DataGrid columns={columns} {...other} />;
  2. If the columns require something within the component scope, such as a state value or a prop, you can use the useMemo hook to keep a stable reference between renders:

    function App(props) {
      const renderCell = React.useCallback(
        (params) => {
          return (
              {params.value} {props.someValue}
      const columns = React.useMemo(
        () => [
          { field: 'id' },
          { field: 'firstName' },
          { field: 'lastName' },
          { field: 'age' },
          { field: 'fullName', renderCell },
      return <DataGrid columns={columns} {...other} />;

Extract static objects and memoize root props

The Data Grid component uses React.memo to optimize its performance, which means the Grid and its subcomponents only re-render when their props change. But it's very easy to cause unnecessary re-renders if the root props of your Data Grid aren't memoized. In the example below, the slots and initialState objects are re-created on every render, which means the Data Grid itself has no choice but to re-render as well.

function Component(props) {
  return (
        row: CustomRow,
      cellModesModel={{ [props.rows[0].id]: { name: { mode: GridCellModes.Edit } } }}

One way to prevent re-renders is to extract any objects that can be static, and to memoize any objects that depend on other objects. This applies to any prop that's an object or a function.

const slots = {
  row: CustomRow,

function Component(props) {
  const cellModesModel = React.useMemo(
    () => ({ [props.rows[0].id]: { name: { mode: GridCellModes.Edit } } }),

  return (
    <DataGrid rows={props.rows} slots={slots} cellModesModel={cellModesModel} />

Visualizing the re-rendering process

The Data Grid memoizes some of its subcomponents to avoid re-rendering more than necessary. Below is a visualization that shows you which cells re-render in response to your interactions with the Grid.

Total Rows: 100